Do You Want Support In Resolving A Painful Issue?

Welcome. I'm Noah.

I would love to help you get quick and lasting relief from whatever thought, belief, emotion, or behavior is causing you pain.

However, after supporting more than 1,000 clients over the last 14 years, I’ve learned that I am able to provide the most effective results to clients for the issues I’ve struggled with, and resolved, within myself.

Since I will only help you with the issues I've truly mastered within myself, I will have a deeper understanding of your pain, more compassion for your struggle, and clearer insight into how to heal your problems.

This enables me to provide you with quicker and more powerful transformations.

Have a look below at the issues I specialize in to see whether I am the right fit for you.

1) Work & Money

I’ve always been intelligent and successful. From the outside, people would think my life was great. But, on the inside, no matter how much success I got, I continued to feel constant pressure, I never felt like I was good enough, and I was always incredibly harsh towards myself.

I had to go on a long journey of healing to get to a place where I could feel relaxed, confident, treat myself kindly, and really enjoy my life.

Now, I absolutely love to help others to make this same journey from tension to relaxation in a simple, clear, and light way. 

Here's what I can help you with:

Inadequacy – Do you always feel like you're not good enough no matter how much success you get?

Pressure – Do you feel constant pressure to prove you are great or to become great? 

Anxiety – Do you view yourself as intelligent, and live in fear of failure or not living up to your potential?

Self-Critical – Do you treat yourself harshly or get angry at yourself any time you are imperfect, less than amazing, not the best, behind schedule, or make a mistake? 

Money – Does it feel like you can never relax about money no matter how much money you have or make?

“I help intelligent and successful people with lots of pressure and internal harshness to finally relax, feel confident, and enjoy life. My job is to help you to feel peaceful and good enough right now, so you don’t have to always be waiting for your next ‘win’ to hopefully give you some temporary relief.”

2) Relationships

I was in a relationship with a woman I loved incredibly deeply. But, even though we loved each other so much, the relationship was still filled with unhappiness, conflict, fear, and manipulation. It was truly painful.

Through a tremendous amount of deep emotional healing work, I can very happily share that my relationship is now filled with so much joy, kindness, ease, and love.

Now, it really means a lot to me when I am able to use my painful relationship experiences to help others out of their relationship struggles in a much quicker, lighter, and easier way. 

Here's what I can help you with:

Unworthiness – Do you feel undeserving of a relationship filled with love, joy, kindness, ease, and emotional closeness? 

Self-Hatred – Does the voice in your head keep telling you how worthless, stupid, terrible, broken, or defective you are? 

Obsessing – Can you not stop thinking about an ex-partner, new lover, or someone you fantasize about?

Fear – Do you live in constant fear of your partner leaving you, cheating on you, or getting upset with you?

Unhealthy Dynamics – Is your relationship filled with controlling, manipulation, boundary issues, conflict, triggers, caretaking, pleasing, or codependency?

Breakup Support – Are you unsure whether to breakup with your partner? Or are you too afraid to breakup?

Breakup Pain – Do you feel rejected, hurt, abandoned, helpless, angry, or lonely from a breakup? 

“Bad” Partners – Is your current partner (or past partners) emotionally unavailable, inconsistent, unkind, distant, emotionally abusive, dishonest, or narcissistic?

“I help genuinely kind men and women to finally lose the pains and struggles of being in romantic relationships. I will support you to heal from your past relationships, more fully enjoy your current relationship, or upgrade to a relationship where you finally get the love and kindness you deserve.”

About Noah Elkrief

I’m a simple man who just really wants to live this life feeling happy, alive, joyous, free, peaceful, loving, and playful. 

Whenever I experience a thought, emotion, or behavior that doesn’t feel enjoyable, I absolutely love to discover what’s causing my issue, and to experience the beautiful relief of resolving it. 

I’ve offered 1-on-1 sessions to over 1,000 individual clients since I started in 2010. My videos on Youtube now have 230,000 subscribers and more than 20 million views. My book, “A Guide to The Present Moment”, was the #1 Bestselling Counseling book on Amazon.

There are two key qualities about me that play a major role in my capacity to help clients:

1) Clarity

The essence of why my sessions are so helpful is because I have a very sharp intuitive clarity to identify and address the roots of what’s causing my clients’ painful issues.

This clarity and wisdom developed through decades of internal healing work (I started meditating at 6 years old). It has then been further refined through 14 years of experience giving counseling sessions, and supported by a naturally high intellect (I was accepted into Mensa and worked at Goldman Sachs).

2) Kindness

During sessions, I bring an embodied and authentic kindness that deeply supports my clients to be able to access, reveal, and ultimately resolve the painful emotions they’ve been struggling with.

This kindness towards human pain and struggle developed purely through the meeting and resolving of my own unworthiness and self-hate. With each piece of self-hate that I healed within myself, I would naturally treat myself and others with more kindness, gentleness, and compassion.

How I Will Resolve Your Issues

During sessions, I have many techniques that are meant to guide you towards the experience of your painful issue feeling lighter, less powerful, or fully dissolved.

  • I may guide you to discover painful beliefs that were formed during your childhood experiences, and then help you to disbelieve the false conclusions you formed about yourself or life.
  • I may support you to free yourself from the painful patterns, emotions, or ways of thinking that you inherited from your parents.
  • I may help you to release or resolve your traumas and suppressed emotions in a gentle, calm, and subtle way (not big or dramatic).
  • I may guide you to discover parts of your inner child that have been deeply repressed, and then provide love or resolution for him/her in a variety of different ways.
  • I may help you to discover and resolve subconscious beliefs that cause you to stay attached to your suffering and subconsciously sabotage your desired experience of life.

What Happens After Sessions

  • The goal of each session is to address the root of a specific issue so deeply and fully that it never comes back.
  • In one session, we may be able to resolve 100% of an issue, or we might only be able to resolve 30%.
  • If we are able to fully resolve the issue, that means your specific painful thought or emotion will never get triggered ever again.
  • If we are able to resolve 30% of an issue, this means that the next time your thought or emotion gets triggered, it will feel 30% less powerful/painful.
  • No matter how much improvement you experience from a session, the result is meant to be permanent. There is no maintenance or practice required in order to keep the impact. 

Recent Client Testimonials

"It is difficult to describe how life changing sessions with Noah are. I appreciate this so fully now in retrospect; my anxiety, existential angst, and overall worrying thoughts have decreased substantially. I owe it to Noah. He is smart and straightforward, while always remaining compassionate and supportive."

Sarah - Doctor - 12/23

"To say working with Noah has been life changing is an understatement. I’d met with several therapists before meeting Noah and from the very first session, felt a powerful shift. Noah has helped me peel back layer after layer of trauma that has blocked me from fully embracing who I am and living the life I really want to live. I wish every person could experience the healing I’ve experienced from working with Noah. He has a rare gift that’s worth the time, money, and energy invested into sessions with him."

Nora - Therapist - 12/23

"Words can’t describe how much of an impact Noah’s guidance and kind words have had on me. He is kind, intelligent, and has a beautiful way of being able to open you up to seeing the core of who we are and what drives us. I can’t recommend him enough!"

Joe - Director - 11/23

"Noah is a truly transformational guide and has helped me unravel and make peace with many of my life’s stories. I have deeper insights into my patterns and programming, an abundance of self-acceptance, and a renewed sense of joy. He helped me see and let go of long held beliefs and partnered with me as I’ve taken off the limits of what I can do in and with this life! He has been an exceptional support and I’ll be forever grateful to him. Thank you Noah!"

Lorraine - Doctor - 11/23

"Noah has provided for me in sessions the safest space I've ever known. With Noah's gentle guidance, deep wisdom and intuition, I have been able to feel, heal and release so much deep-seated trauma that I would not have been able to see or face on my own. I know there is nothing I could bring to a session that would be met with any judgement. My life has transformed exponentially over the years I've worked with Noah. From feeling so stuck in suffering on my own, my life now feels lighter in every area. I can't put into words how deeply I respect and honour Noah for all that he is, and feel privileged to have had him be a part of my journey."

AMY - Lifeguard - 11/23

"I feel heard, seen and understood, and free to be as I am. Noah's presence makes me feel genuinely cared for. I may go into a session thinking I was struggling because of one thing, but Noah’s insights and intuition make me look so much deeper into the root cause of what is actually going on, and that has been incredibly helpful.  Even in just one session, I always feel a major shift and it allows me to look deeper within myself."

Rebecca - Nonprofit - 11/23

You can read many more older testimonials at this link here.

Would You Like To Resolve Your Painful Issues?

Choose 1 of the options below to get started

Targeted Relief


Resolve 1 or 2 specific emotional issues.

  • 4 x One-Hour Private Sessions
  • Video Recordings
Priceless Impact


You would like to heal a few issues.

  • 10 x One-Hour Private Sessions
  • Includes 2 Free Bonus Sessions (Save $500)
  • Video Recordings
Ongoing Support


Commit to receive weekly healing support.

  • 25 x One-Hour Private Sessions
  • Video Recordings

Within a few minutes after your purchase, you will receive an email with the link to schedule your sessions. 

All sessions must be used within 4 months of purchase.

If you have any questions, please email me at Noah [at] NoahElkrief [dot] com

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